Life, Love And The Rest Of It
Welcome to my homepage!  I started this site sometime around 1995 or 1996.  As you may have noticed by the dazzling graphics and overwhelming technical aspects of this page, I did not spend that time studying HTML, Java or web designing in general.  I'm one of the few who came of age in the 90's and escaped without this vital knowledge.  But, I manage to muddle through somehow.  Besides, I plan on wow-ing you with my shining wit and sparkling personality.  Failing that, I'll just add some nudity.

As you may have just read, this site has been around for several years.  However, the last time I actually did anything to update this site was sometime in early 1999.  One or two additional things have happened to me since then.  From the beginning, my homepage was not so much about creating a programming marvel, but to share some of my life with total strangers.  This has always been my little corner of the web to talk about things I felt like talking about, and to generally expound on whatever was on my mind.  That didn't use to be such a rare thing.  But, most homepages I see today are very slick and fancy, but short on content.  Now, I'm not saying the content on this website is amazing or life changing but it sure isn't slick or fancy I can tell you that.

If you've actually made it all this way through my site, you must be pretty bored or have nothing else better to do.  If you like, enter my site and explore.  You can also take a moment to sign my guestbook or send me an e-mail.  And if your experience thus far has been less then thrilling, well, you've been warned.  You may want to check back later for nudity though.
This many people have been bored enough to stop and look at this counter
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