Thanks for taking the time to visit my web-site.... I hope that you enjoy your visit!

This is my original web-site and has been around for ages so I've given it a major overhaul and brought it up to date and in line with my main site.


Please feel free to roam around there are plenty of nooks and crannies for you to explore! ................ and if you like what you find why don't you drop me a line,......... I love to hear from my visitors and I'm always keen to make new friends! *smile*


If you would like to find out more about me.... Hmm! ...let's see!....... I come from Glasgow in Scotland..... and .... well! .......... why don't you pop to my "About me" page! .... there's lots more info there.

Podgy joins in with mum!
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ID # jyn_alexander