Carrie Ann's TV Room

Hi I'm Carrie Ann.

I guess the time has come to tell the world about me. As you must already know. Carrie Ann is not my real name. Carrie is an expression of the part of me that society says men can not have. I've alway known that I was different. I was scared by the needs and feelings I had. Was I sick? Was I gay? No to both.I finally realized I was a Tranvestite. I like to wear pretty things that were reserved for women.

I tryed to find more information about what I was and why I wanted to dress. I searched the library stacks for an answer, too afraid to ask for help. The resources about Transvestism were thin. All the books were psycology books that looked upon crossdressing as a mental disorder that should be treated & cured. The magazine were no better. They painted a lurid picture of Transvestites as perverts.

The result was that I wasted 25 years on doubt and guilt. I went through the purges. I swore to myself that I'd never do this again. I even join a gym and put on muscles on the theory that if I was MACHO enough, I'd stop wanting to dress. It didn't work. I thought that I'd stop dressing if I found the right woman. The right woman came and went and still I felt the need & desire to dress.

I have only resently come to accept the truth. I can not cure myself. I must accept what I am. So I've opened this web page to let the world know that I am here!

Note: It's been over a year now I really do enjoy being Carrie. If you were like me and scared of be gender gifted, don't be. It's the best thing that ever happened to me!!

This way to my many friends.

This way to my Resource Page.

This way to my Art Gallery.
(May take a few minutes to download.)

This way to my pictures. Now With New Pictures!!(Even more as of May 6)

See this month's Jersey Girl Calendar.

Read my Dreambook!
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Please come back soon and visit me.

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