Where The Transgendered Can feel at Home

Hi Everybody: As you can tell, my name is Janyce. HTML is like another language to me. I am going to try and get this page up and running as soon as I can. A little about me. I am a 55 YO transvestite. I know, there are many other words that describe what we do, but I am what I am.

I have been dressing off and on since I was a kid. If you want a time span, I guess my first venture into women's clothes was when I was about nine or ten years old. I saw my mothers girdle and stockings and for whatever the reason, I had to try them on. Naturally, they didn't fit, but that didn't stop me from doing it again.

Ever since than, one of my favorite items of feminine clothing has been a girdle. I don't know of a sexier garment to wear. When my stockings are pulled nice and tight to all eight garters,

I feel wonderful. When I than put on my high heels, I feel like I have been transported to another world. I do believe that dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex (in this case women's) is quite gratifying.

There are an awful lot of girls out there with web sites who are absolutely beautiful. I am not one of them. However, as time goes on I am going to try and make this page one that you will want to come back to.

It will have the links to other wonderful places on the net as well as to some dear friends. Please bear with me, as I try to learn how to do this right. Until than, Fe-mail me if you would like to chat. Love, Janyce "

" Some Personal Stories of things that have happened to me over the years.
They are true and as factual as my old brain can remember.

My New Shoes
This story is about the first pair of high heels that I ever bought. It was 1968 or 1969. I had taken an office in New York City for my business. I worked alone, so it was not a problem to arrive in the City and change my under things to those of Janyce. My office was connected to a wig salon, so I was fortunate enough to be able to get my wigs cleaned regularly.

The day finally came, that is when I decided that I needed a pair of high heels. Up to that point, I guess I wore nothing on my feet. I truly don't remember.

There was a store in New York at the time called Shoecraft, that specialized in large sizes. On the appointed morning, when I arrived in my office I changed to a pair of frilly panties, girdle and stockings. I left my building and walked up fifth ave with my heart in my mouth.

I am sure that many of you can identify with this. I walked past the store twice, working up the courage to go in. Finally, I decided to go in. Immediately, a male clerk approached me to ask if he could be of help. Naturally, I would have preferred a woman, but they didn't have any. I explained that I was looking for a pair of high heels that would fit my male foot. He sat me down and upon seeing my stockinged foot did like a double take. Nothing was said, but I guess he knew I was serious. He brought out a pair of 12b, 3" heeled pumps. That was about as high as you got back than. I asked if there was another place that I could try them on away from the front of the store. He took me up to a mezzanine and suggested that I try them on there away from prying eyes. I put first one than the other shoes on my feet. I than got up to see what they looked like in the floor mirror. I can't relate to you the sheer joy I was feeling wearing my first pair of heels. I wanted to wear them out of the store and walk back to my office in them.

A wiser head (mine) prevailed and I let him box them up so I could leave. Suffice it to say, that when I got back to my office that day, I changed completely so that I could enjoy my first pair of heels. What a high that was.

Sounds of being transgendered
Did you ever stop to think about the wonderful sounds that we
make after we have put on all of our finery.
If you think about it for a moment you will understamd what I mean.
When you head moves, the dangling earring click and make sounds.
If you are wearing bracelets, as you move your hands around, there is the clanking of the bracelets.
When you cross and uncross your legs,(My Favorite sound) the
wonderful sound your stockings make when they rub together.
The sound of your beautiful heels clicking on the floor, or pavement
as you walk.

All of these sounds are taken for granted by a GG. We on the other
hand find them so sexual as well as sensual.

Another True Story
One night many years ago, I was to attend an affair at the old
Commodore hotel in New York City. I was going as my male self with the hope of becoming Janyce later in the evening.

At about 12:30AM when everyone was leaving the hotel, I went to my room.
I had laid all of Janyce's clothing out before I had gone down
to the affair. I took a shower and shaved everything, as I wanted to be as feminine
as possible. It was going to be the very first time in my life
that I was going to go out in public. This meant taking and elevator
from the floor I was on to the lobby, crossing the lobby
which appeared to be the size of two football fields (in my mind)
and go outside to forty second street.
Getting dressed and made up was the easy part. Once I was ready, my heart
started to beat so fast and so loud, I was expecting a call from the
next room to turn down my tv.
Finally, about 1:30AM, I was ready. I worked up the nerve to put on
my coat and kerchief and exit the room. My knees were knocking.
I went to the elevator and pushed the button for down. I was like a scared rabbit, not knowing if any one I knew was still in the hotel. The elevator arrived and thankfully it was empty. I rode down to the cavernous lobby and exited. Now I had to cross that lobby with my heels clicking as I went. It was the loudest sound I had ever heard. I gained the main doors and went outside. It took about ten minutes of just standing there to get my heart slowed down.
I than proceeded to walk up to fifth avenue and strut my stuff for about a 1/2 hour.
When I got back to the hotel, I just strolled right through the lobby to the elevators and went to my room.
To say it was the most exciting time I ever had would be mild.
it was fantastic. I loved every minute of it, including the fear.

Links to other sites on the Web

Above an Beyond Links
All About Girdles
Women in Girdles
Wonderful Picture Links
Geocties Girls
Links, Links, Links,Links

A Wonderful "T" girl Site
A friend on the net with great pictures

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