*This site is for entertainment purposes only and contains pictures and information about DRAG QUEENS & FEMALE IMPERSONATORS.

*We request that children do not browse through this site because of the adult nature.

After 10 years of being hosted by Geocities, Diamond's Drag-A-Rama will be moving to Dot Easy and furthermore will have a real "dot-com" presence.


12/17/07 - The NEW SITE is OPEN!!!!

Major updates will be coming soon and as always we appreciate all that Geocities has done for us. We will be keeping this main page OPEN to direct traffic to our new website. Geocities will still be hosting a few of our links and pictures so the geocities site may change a bit as well but will remain open for full viewing..

Peace, Love and Lipstick

~ Diamond

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Please use the search as I will receive 5 points with each search!!