Jade's Fire

Hello there and welcome to the Jade's Fire. It's not the biggest ship in the galaxy, but I'm always modifying something or other. The basics about me? Well, I'm 25 y.o. and live in the Chicago area. Whatever else you wanna know will probably be somewhere to be found here. If not, you're welcome to send me a transmission. Make sure you check out the Modifications to see what's been changed since your last visit.

If you live near Chicago and you'd like to meet, either mail me or catch me on icq #9487523.

Welcome aboard, choose your destination

Captains Quarters (Pics)
Personal Log (Other interests)
Captain's Log (Bio)
Modifications (Updates)
Holotheater (Songs I've written)
Navicomputer & Hyperdrive (Links) *Coming soon*

Email: jadechi@hotmail.com