I was fortunate to be able able to take this trip as part of my reserve duties. You really can see the world. Anyway I really enjoyed this trip and learned a lot of this part of the world and gained a greater appreciation of what a lot of people here in the US seem to take for granted. This was two week trip and I was able to get out and see a bit, shop, and see the local surounding s in Islamabad.
Well I have finally got some of my pictures scanned and will be adding them as I get time and get them organized.
Doc, the dentist, our sponsors, to whom I much thanks for advice, and Thad,
the dental assistant at a local carpet shop.
Front gate of the embassy, no crashing this gate.
The presidential palace in Islamabad. The policeman/soldier on the right
in the foreground carries an Uzi machine gun, Pakistan is not the place
to break laws.