Aafar Porter's
EverQuest Page
EverQuest "Druids" WebPage
Aafar Porter in older graphics at a lower level
click here

I play EverQuest on the Tarrew Mar Server.  One of my main characters is a Wood Elf Druid named
Aafar Porter.

Some of my other Characters on this server are: Tiegar (65 Bst), Bemuser (53 Rogue) , Lutethomas (57 Bard), Lannan (32 Chanter), Zooter (30 Shaman), Handle (52 Monk) & Hiandan (30 Mage).

If you play there too, give me a tell & say HI!
                 (Let me know you saw this webpage.) 
This is a fairly recent picture of me
I've posted a real life picture of me and a picture of Aafar Porter as he appears with the SoL expansion graphics. 
(If you mouse over the picture, you will see a somewhat distorted picture of Aafar with the old grahpics.)
This is me,
Jerry Dechant
This is Aafar Porter
(Finally made 62 -
Druid Heirophant)
I have a guestbook.  (the buttons above) Please take a moment to leave a message so I know you where here.
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The Joy of Life is to be found, In each MOMENT Lived.
NOW is the MOMENT!