Once did children, thrilled to the core,
with trembling hand open closet door,
a check to see if ghouls and ghosts did lurk;
Once did children with heart pounding,
dangled head over side of bed,
to search out red eyed beasts amidst the murk;
Once did children fall themselves off to sleep
with tales of conquest,
and the good kingdom keep.
Now all grow'd with concerns of others,
they simply crawl under covers,
full of fatigue and lacking intrigue,
at the possibility of things that go bump in the night;
and in their sleepless plight,
wonder why things are oft not quite right.
P h o t o by J' image
Digital manipulation DZUNG TRAN
WARNING!!! This homepage is set up like a house. There are many rooms to get lost in. I hope you do not find it too complicated. I decided not to have back links on every page. Hey if I invite you into my house and we go to the third floor, when we are finished looking around we do not get to magically transport back to the doorway. Enjoy your visit. When you have finished roaming around my home please come back and sign my guest book. Just to get ya there I wrote a message and stuck another picture of me there. Not that we need another picture! Oy VEY!