It seems that most of what's out on the net is commercial pap, self-gratifying show-off-ism (internet whiz kids with big egos and/or big baskets), a wide range of pay-me so I can screw you sites and a rare few that have personality and net-savy (whether they are personal/my space/pay to play or other type sites).
I figure I can present best what I know best; information on me and my interests and experiences. It's done with the hope that what's found here lets other invisible gray gay guys like me see that they are not alone AND gets the rest of you to pause in your wild worship of youth and consider the facts -- we are here too, we are queer too and we already have been there and done that!!!
So, with no apologies, here I am -- my bio, my scribblings and what interests me.
I can be reached at jonjay dot geo @ yahoo dot com