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UPDATED - Saturday, February 14, 1998





12th Annual Convention


Ontario, Canada


Hosted by


Tours - Shows - Parties

Vendors - Seminars

Banquets - Workshops

International Personalities



MtF & FtM

Something for Everyone


at the


Toronto Colony Hotel

Hotel Reservation Information


Location: Toronto - Downtown

Address: Mailing: 89 Chestnut St, Toronto(City), M5G 1R1, Location:89 Chestnut St, adjacent to City Hall

Phone: (416)977-0707 Toll Free: Canada/US (800)777-1700, (800)387-8687

Fax: (416)977-1136

March 24 - 29, 1998


Crossing Borders - Toronto 1998

You're Invited!

Set your sites on Toronto, Ontario, Canada for the 12th Annual IFGE Convention - the most important gathering of transgendered leaders, educators, activists, personalities and associated professional held each year. In 1998, IFGE makes good on the ìInternationalî part of its name and mission by heading to Toronto for its yearly gathering of the community.

Join us at the beautiful Colony Hotel in chic downtown Toronto for - Crossing Borders/Toronto 1998 a week of learning, networking and celebration. Our visit is being coordinated and hosted by XPRESSIONS, Southern Ontario's foremost open transgendered support group. The leadership and members of XPRESSIONS are eager to share the joys of their international metropolis with the rest of the transgendered community. They have planned lots of exciting events for Crossing Borders participants, from shopping and tours to spectacular theater outings (Toronto is the world's third largest theater city behind London & NYC!). And they have primed the world-famous Toronto nightclub scene to help celebrate this historic gathering of the transgendered community. The city's popular nightclub district is located nearby our host hotel.

Daytimes during the conference you'll have the opportunity to meet and hear presentations by some of the most accomplished individuals in the community. Activists, leaders, educators, lobbyists, authors, medical practitioners, performers, spiritual leaders, gadflys, publishers, name it ... they will be presenting seminars, and meeting and mixing with the community at large at IFGE's Crossing Borders.

Convention costs are always a concern, and this year IFGE and Xpressions have worked very hard to make Crossing Borders as affordable as possible. (Scholarships are available.) Americans will find it is a particular bargain as the exchange rate in Canada is quite favorable for them at this time, and that means huge savings in Toronto's friendly and sophisticated shops and boutiques. Airfares to Toronto also are as good as they have ever been.

The entire transgendered family, our friends and professional advocates will be represented in Toronto, and we invite you to join in this historic and fun event.

Partial List of Seminar Presenters

(subject to change)


Alison Laing, IFGE

Neila Miller, M.S.W.

Miqqi Gilbert, Ph.D.

Mariette Pathy Allen

Holly Boswell

Mildred Brown

Linda Buten

Sandra Cole, Ph.D.

Dallas Denny, M.A.

Richard Doctor, Dipl.

Diane Ellaborn, M.S.W.

Roger Millen

Nancy Nangeroni

Jane Peabody

Virgina Prince

Sandra Samons, DCSW

Angela Sheedy

Jean Marie Stine

Riki Anne Wilchins

Douglas Ousterhout, M.D.

Marilyn Volker, Ph.D.


Partial Schedule

(tentative - subject to change & expand )



Evening Optional: Outing to the epic musical "Phantom of the Opera", is now in its ninth year at world-famous Pantages Theater.



All Day Optional: Sightseeing tour of Niagara Falls and a wine tasting in the Niagara-on-the-Lake vineyard region.

Evening: Hors d'ouvres reception (cash bar)

Optional: Theater outing to "Rent" Tony award-winning musical features a prominent transgendered character.



Morning: Seminar sessions

Optional: Tour Bata Shoe Museum

Lunch: Hotel ballroom. Speaker to be announced

Afternoon: Seminar sessions

Optional: Shopping trip to Eaton Centre

Evening: Dinner on your own

Optional: Famous "People Players", a unique dinner theater experience truly Canadian, nothing like it in the world.

Later: Toronto's world-famous night life awaits!



Morning: Seminar sessions

Optional: City tour, including CN Tower

Lunch: Hotel ballroom. Speaker TBA

Afternoon: Seminar sessions

Optional: Shopping trip & tour Yorkville neighborhood and its' exclusive boutiques

Evening: Xpressions hosts fund-raiser buffet dinner featuring Toronto's best entertainers. Benefits TG Outreach & Toronto AIDS Hospice.

Later: Toronto's world-famous night life awaits!



Morning: Seminar sessions

Optional: Sightseeing tour

Lunch: Hotel ballroom. Speaker TBA

Afternoon: Seminar sessions

Optional: Shopping trip

Evening: Gala banquet, featuring special Canadian entertainers and brief award presentation.

Later: Toronto's world-famous night life awaits!



10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Farewell Brunch


IFGE's 12th Annual Convention - March 24-29

Hosted by Xpressions at Toronto Colony Hotel in the heart of one of the world's most stylish, glamorous & cosmopolitan cities.

For hotel reservations, call 1-800-387-8687 before February 15. Be sure to mention IFGE for your special discounted room rate!

For more info on Convention registration contact:


In Canada:


P. O. Box 223, Station A

Toronto, Ont. M5W 1B2

Phone: (416) 410-6949

e-mail :

In the U.S. & elsewhere:


P.O. Box 229

Waltham MA 02254-0229

Phone: (781) 899-2212


The Phantom of the Opera

Previews: none

Runs: Wednesday, September 20, 1989 to Friday, December 31, 1999.

Genre: Musicals

Description: Andrew Lloyd Weber's haunting dramatic spectacle, based on the classic novel, celebrates its 7 th year in Toronto! Produced by Livent Inc..

Time: Tue to Sat 8pm, Wed/Sat 2 pm, Sun 3 pm.

Pantages Theatre, 263 Yonge Street, 872-2222.


Previews: November 25 - December 6

Runs: Sunday, December 07, 1997 to Wednesday, April 01, 1998.

Genre: Musicals

Description: A joyous and turbulent musical that celebrates a community of young East Villagers as they struggle with the soaring hopes and tough realities of today's New York. Produced by Mirvish Productions.

Time: TBA

Royal Alexandra Theatre, 260 King St. W., 872-1212 or 1-800-461-3333

| Home | Registration Form | Mailing address | Email | Toronto Colony Inn | "Rent" | "Phantom of the Opera" |
| Programme Notes | Area Maps | IFGE | Xpressions |

UPDATED - Saturday, February 14, 1998