Hi there! Welcome to my homepage! I am so glad you stopped by, Please look around, tell me what you think. I originally built this website back in 1999, I allowed it to sit virtually unchanged for several years, and I am finally adding to it. The new links are indicated below. A lot has changed since I first built this site, I am a parent now, and much of the new info here is all about My Son, my pregnancies, my choice to practice Attachment Parenting, and to try to implement a more natural lifestyle in general . I am hoping to continue revamping and adding to this website. I have left all the old links too, so look around there's a little something for almost everyone!! :) I hope you enjoy your visit here. Drop me a note and let me know what you think.

New Pages Added!! Check out my new links!

So, let's get on with it!!

The Parenting Pages

My yahoo 360 page
Read my Blog, see recent pictures of me, and my family, and other fun stuff.

My BIO: about little ole me

My IMAGES Some random pictures...

A BOAT LIFE: A Vagabond's lifestyle of freedom!!

Me, and CANCER Learn to cherish the little things!!

Come toParadise See the Virgin Islands

Some of my Writing Poems, Short Stories, and some random stuff.

A few LINKS!! Some Kewl places on the Web!

I hope you enjoyed your visit to my site! So, let me know what you thought of it!! Send me an E-mail!! I am an all around friendly kind of chic, and I love to make new friends! :-)

Hope to hear from you!

I'm on yahoo messenger. Feel free to contact me, as long as you plan on being nice. Rude people will get NO REPLY!!!!!

My First Award!


Webrings!!!! Check out all the Cool Webrings I belong to!!

Pretty Please, sign my guestbook, and let me know what you think!!!!!!!!

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My old counter stopped working years ago...added this counter on 04/23/06

This Women`s Private Homepages site owned by Holly.
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