
I thought that I would skip the her too stories. It seems that most of us have gone through the same
sort of experience's in life. So instead, I thought that I would relate to you my experiences of being
out and about in femme as they occur. I hope that periodically you will stop back and check for
update on this page.

First time out dressed, and re-coming out to my SO

I have to say my first time out and about and dressed happened years ago, but in terms of recent
times it just happen a few months ago. I had heard of a bar in town that some "T" girls hung out at,
so I decided to check it out. I went down in drab on several Saturday nights before I met any of the
girls. I started up a conversation with a girl named Tiffany and we chatted for the next several hours.
I went down the next weekend in drab of course, and she wanted to know when I was going to
come dressed. She made me promise that I would come dressed on her birthday, so I started to
gather my outfit and makeup. She even called the wig shop were she had bought her wig and even
went with me to buy a wig. In the interim I didn't have a place to keep my clothes and wig. I started
commingling my femme clothes with my drab clothes hoping my SO wouldn't spot them. Fat chance,
she did spot them. So I told her I was going to a Halloween party in femme, and that they were part
of my costume. I had dressed earlier in our marriage, but hadn't done it around her for years. Then I
got thinking that lying was really not the way to go, so I just told her the truth. It didn't really surprise
her at all. Finally the night came. I thought that I would be very nervous, but to my surprise when I
step out onto my back porch, and closed that door behind me, instead of feeling that I was going to
be discovered, or something worst. I felt free, and at peace with the world. Needless to say I had a
wonderful time, and couldn't wait to do it again. Which I have. :-)


I've read many of the things that have been posted on the message boards about going shopping.
You know what they say, how the sales girls just want to make a sale. she's not interested in what
you are buying, just that you are buying. Well I never bought that for a minute. I just knew that in
reality if I went into a store and bought women shoes, or a bra and panty's, that someone was going
to make a remark. I've found out thorough my own experience that most of the time that is not true.
Except if you sort of push it. Let me tell you what I mean. The first time I went shopping with Tiffany
we went to a Payless shoe store in drab. We went in and she found a pair of shoes she liked. So we
walked almost up to the counter when she noticed a sign that read, buy the first pair and get the
second pair half price. So back we went, she found a second pair of shoes she liked. After she tried
them on to see if they fit, we went back up to the cashier to pay for them. The sales girl never said a
word. Then Tiffany asked her if she could see a pair of tights that were hanging on the wall. These
ones here the girl inquired, pointing at a pair of tights. What size are they Tiffany asked. Regular the
girl said. Do you have any larger sizes. I have queen size, let me see those Tiffany asked. Only then
could the girl not keep her curiosity to herself and asked if they were for Tiffany. Tiffany said that yes
they were. The girl proceeded to tell us how she had gone to a gay bar the weekend before with her
boyfriend and had danced all night with the "T" girls there, and had had a wonderful time. So even
when you are trying to get noticed it doesn't turn out bad. I've gone shopping by myself many times
since then. The first time I bought shoes, size 11W, after I had paid all the sales girl said was enjoy.
The second time I went and bought shoes there were two different size shoes in the box which I
hadn't noticed. The girl asked me which size did I want, the 11W, or the 11R. She said we want to
make sure you get the right size. I said the 11W please. She got me the right size shoes, and was
very nice about it. So it is true girls. No one does hassle you when your shopping, no nasty remarks.
So suck up your courage and try it. You'll see that all the posts you've seen about shopping that
were posted on the message boards, are right.

Woops wrong room

A few Saturdays ago I made plans to go to a transgender meeting with three of my girlfriends. Three
of us, Tiffany, Nikki, and myself dressed at our homes. Phylliss rented a motel room to dress in, and
the rest of us met her there before going to the meeting so she would have someone to go with. I had
met Tiffany at her house and rode with her. When we got to the motel Nikki had already gotten
there before us and her and Phylliss were ready to go since we were a little late. Anyhow when we
pulled up to the room I got out of the car while Tiffany straighten herself up before going into the
room, she is worse than any GG you ever knew. I got out of the car and headed for the room since
we were already late. I seen one of the rooms had there door slightly ajar the way they do when they
are expecting someone. naturally, being the dizzy blonde that I am I don't bother looking at room
numbers I just barge right in. As soon as I got into the room I knew I'd made a mistake. I call it one
of my dumb blonde mistakes. There were three strange men sitting at the table and when I enter the
room all three of them leaped into the air with a wild look in their eyes. I said as nonchalant as I
could, ohh pardon me guys wrong room, turned and strolled out of the room with my heart
pounding, praying that they weren't following me to beat the crape out of me. Phylliss room was right
next door, so when I got into the room and was sure no one followed me thorough the door did I ever
start laughing. Well just another story of another night out on the town enfemme. Huggs


Day at the beauty shop

I can't hardly believe what happened myself. anyhow to get onto my story. last Thursday I called tiffany (one of my bestest girlfriends) and asked her to make me an appointment with the beautician that had cut her hair. She got me an appointment for the next day at 1:30 PM. When I got to Tiffany's place she had to decided to dress in fem to go with me. When we get there and when it was my turn I get into the chair and the first thing I did was show her pictures of sara-h so she would know how I needed for my hair to be so I could wear the wig, because i use part of my real hair with the wig. So she begins to cut and we are chatting and she was telling me what great hair I had and asked why I didn't just wear my own hair instead of a wig. I told her I couldn't let it grow long enough for that because of work, and the people I incountered. She said what is the matter with a short style. Were by I said I wouldn't look femme enough for that. She said well my hair is short don't I look femme. I said yes u do, but ur pretty and i'm not pretty enough to get by with that. She said I think u are pretty. She said if this is ur guy look then u are one of the most feminine looking guys i've ever seen. I was loving it. When she got done she asked me if I wanted her to style my hair femme. I wasn't sure how that would work for me leaving her shop. I mean I had on my femme jeans, and a sweat shirt which could go either way, and my little blue tennis shoes, but to me I was still in drabs, but I said go ahead I wasn't really that far from the car so what the heck. After she got done styling the hair, which looked un believible, she said do u want me to put a little makeup on u. I was starting to get very nervious, and said did she know I still had to leave the shop and go home. I said I will get read for sure. She said I guarantee u no one is going to read u. U will pass, I guarantee it. I said go for it then. So she proceeded to do my makeup, and showing me how to do it with three shades of shadow so it speads my eyes. To put my blush more back to my ears, because I have a narrow face and it will widen it. When she was done I looked great, at least to me. She also gave me some makeup, the eyeshadows with alot of different colors in it. I've only been using brown mostly, and sometimes purples. She said for me not to use browns, u have beautiful blue eyes and u need to use colors that will bring them out. I figured I must owe her a fortune, she said all u owe me for is the hair cut, the rest I did on my own. So I gave her a nice tip. When I left I was watching people to see if I was being read. No one even seemed to look at me soo I guess I didn't, or at least they weren't sure what I was. Anyhow I didn't have my digital with me because I never expected that to happen. We did take some pictures back at tiffany's place with a regular camera, but I will have to wait until they finish the roll to get them. When I do I will show them to u to see what u think. Thats my story.