Greetings from

February 12, 1999

If crossdressing offends you; go back NOW!

If you are looking for X-rated it is not here.

Popular Mechanics

February 12, 1999

Barbie gets in a magazine

Reno & the Ponderosa

August 29, 1998

Barbie has a holiday

Voting and the DMV

June 2, 1998

Barbie does her civic duty

Glamour Shots

June 1, 1998

Barbie & Kathy favorites

Garden T Party

May 31, 1998

Barbie goes to a party

Esprit '98

May 28, 1998

Barbie goes to Esprit in Port Angeles, WA.

Barbie Tells

April 30, 1998

Barbie tells the family

Weekend at Karen's

April 20, 1998

Barbie & KT visit Karen & Pat

Barbie at Home

April 13, 1998

A few pictures around the house.

Barbie's Walk

February 19, 1998

Barbie decides to do her morning walk enfemme.

Barbie's Dinner Out

February 10, 1998

Barbie joins forces with Karen and tries dining enfemme for the first time.

Barbie's Adventure

January 25, 1998

Barbie decides to drive enfemme for the first time.


June 25, 1997

If one picture is worth a thousand words, my biography file size suggests it is worth 10 pictures. It's long, but I hope you take the time to sit back, have a cup of coffee, read, and enjoy it.


July 5, 1997

The midi recording on this page is very quiet and loads in a snap. If you don't turn the volume up; you may think nothing is playing.


January 20, 1998
The early photos were taken with a Sony Hi8 camcorder; and then captured using AIGotcha. Finally cropping and color enhancement were done, using Softkey Photo Finish 4. Later photos are 35mm prints scanned on an UMAX 610P.


June 25, 1997

Typically statistics pages are rather dull and boring, with just tables of numbers and data. So I decided to turn mine into a combination word and mathematics puzzle; with a secret message to be decoded at the conclusion. If you can't solve the problems just turn to SHOW ME, for the answers. Good Luck.

Las Vegas 98

January 20, 1998
Five couples have a weekend in Las Vegas, and take in La Cage en'femme.

Random Thoughts

January 20, 1998
A collection of ideas that didn't seem to fit anywhere else. And a place to write anything interesting on a current basis.


There have been visitors, since June 15, 1997

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