5/14-21/04----------------------------------------------------@ Tampa Bay, Florida (trip)

I love to travel and for the past two years, Tampa has been the destination. For one thing, the Suncoast Resort is a place we can go, on a budget (altough we usually blow it anyway..lol) and I can celebrate my birthday in style. For another, that is where one of Vickie two bestest TG friends lives..ie Lauren Thomas. This year we decided to combine our "annual" visit with a Southern Belle social, and a Soiree for the Vanity Club. It was a great decision.

Friday, May 14th was Soiree night at "Debbieland". Altought the ever fabulous Debbie Allen was not able to be there, her charming "brother" was and served as a wonderful host. We had steaks and even got to experience fireworks, which were OBVIOUSLY in our honor :). Saturday was combined SBS Social/VC Soiree time and consisted of dinner at the Suncoast, including a special cake, a delicious and inexpensive meal in the always wonderful Flamingo Restaurant followed by a trip to Z109. Yep, I managed to flirt with at least one man here...soooo MY NIGHT WAS COMPLETE. (giggle).

Altought we took a trip out on tuesday of the following week (the 18th I think it was) to George's Alibi, which has wonderful snack food (large portions btw), none of my pictures from that night turned out right, however, the last night there was Thursday the 20th and Vickie, myself, Brandi Lee and Lauren went to experience Kaokake night at Z109. Some of us, ahem, "paid for it" the next day..LOL

An all together lovely trip...the rest of the time was spend with me in boy mode, relaxing and sightseeing a bit and goofing. A truely lovely vacation altought I must admire as usual I came back in need of a nap..LOL is the spot to go to.