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Welcome to my home...The place where you can find out everything you want to know about who I am.

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WARNING: This site contains some rather frank discussions of potentially controversial topics. It also contains some language which may not be appropriate for children (I say "fuck" periodically). You won't find any nudity here, however. If any of this offends you or you are under the Age of Consent in your local jurisdiction, kindly hit "BACK" on your browser and go somewhere else. You have been warned.


Want to find out just the basics? Then take a look at my Statistics

How about what I look like? Here's a glimpse of some more-or-less recent Pics

If you want to know what I'm in to, check out my Hobbies

How about some Tech Stuff?

Or if you want to know how I fit in with the rest of the queers around me, go to Gay Culture

Take a trip to my Links page

I'm not just your average WASP - take a trip into my Spirituality

Or see how deeply I was affected by Diana, Princess of Wales


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This Bear Ring site is owned by PozBear.
Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

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