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Gay, Lesbian and Bi Links

These are some of the links I've found for information or help of some kind. I can't verify that every one is great, but I do think they are helpful...

National Organizations
Human Rights Campaign

support the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

The national organization for Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender Youth
National Black Gay & Lesbian Leadership Forum
Lambda Legal Defense and Education
Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
GLSEN is the largest national organization working to ensure that schools are places where all people are respected and valued, regardless of their sexual orientation.
We Are Family
Focused on helping gay, lesbian and questioning youth.
The mission of An Uncommon LEGACY Foundation is to promote lesbian visibility and enhance the well-being of lesbians today and in future generations. LEGACY awards grants to projects that help meet lesbian health, advocacy, educational and cultural needs.
Black Lesbian Support Group
A Washington, DC based group, also offers links and listings of black organizations, publications, and events around the country.

National Groups or Resources
International Sexual Minorities Information Resource
Guide to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender businesses, organizations, and clubs around the world.
Queer Resouces Directory
A site loaded with more information and links than I could possibly do myself...
Be Yourself
Youth electronic mail list for gay, bi, lesbian, transgender and searching youth
Metropolitan Community Church
Gay churches with worldwide locations, one is located in Atlanta
Planet Q

Health & Living Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women whose primary purpose is to stay sober
Alanon & Alateen
A fellowship of relatives & friends of alcoholics
Parents and friends of gays and lesbians
The Underground
A guide to Aids-Treating physicians & alternative therapy
Coming Out - An act of survival
One persons decision and struggle to come out of the closet
Gay Online Community offering email, Who's Online, Chat, Paging, Profiles, Erotica, Relationships, Shopping, Community, Newsstand, etc.
Billed as "the worlds most popular gay and lesbian Internet community"
Gender Identity Clinic
Recommended by The Advocate because it contains hundreds of links to a wide range of sites dealing with transgender issues.

Online Gay Shopping Resources
Clothes, gifts, many items supporting different gay organizations

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