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A warm hello to all of you who stop in to visit. Take your shoes off and get comfy...:):) Welcome! We hope you find something of interest here. My lifemate, Sarah and I have chosen to share some of our life with you on this web site. We met on the internet in 1997. After we got to know each other online, we decided to meet in person. After that we decided to share our lives together and had our Spiritual Union on January 24, 1998. We have been together for four years now and we both say it is unbelievable we found each other and the joy we feel together makes us more grateful every day. We bought our first home together a couple of years ago. It is a modest home in the woods in a small community by a river. We both went back to school and got our Bachelor's degrees. We have enhanced each other's lives and continue to help each other to grow daily. Our little family includes two feral cats we adopted and two other kitties you can view if you are interested. page 4 for pictures of our little family
Dreams can come true. Good things can happen if you are willing to be honest and real. We wanted to give other lesbians ideas of how they may also find joy in a union of their choosing by sharing abit of our experience:):)

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page 4 for pictures of our little family
Sarah's Corner

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We placed our spiritual union below for those of you who are interested. We also added some pictures of family and friends in our spiritual union. We both wrote our own vows.

If you would like to see pictures of our little family, please go to page 4
These pages work best with Netscape Navigator 3.0+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0+ This page last updated 1/21/02

Some folks have asked for more information on Gay & Lesbian marriage/unions. Here is a site that is filled with information for those of you who may be interested.

Partners Task Force for Gay & Lesbian Couples - TOC

Our best friends, Linda & Sandi. They generously let us have our union in their home.

Our Best Womyn...Netta and Elena. We met Netta online and she and Elena came out here from Ohio for our union.

My folks and Sarah and I at our union. Sadly, my stepdad, Jack passed away June 13, 2000. He lived to be 75 and he said he enjoyed his life, his family and all he did here on earth. He and my mom were married for 25+years. He added a bright spot to all those he touched and we cannot express how much we miss his presence in our lives.

Sarah and her mom. If you look real close you can see Mt. Hood between them.

Rish & Sarah

Spiritual Union Ceremony

24th of January 1998


To Be Loved By You by Wynonna

Welcoming Words from Jim Tomlin

Ricia & Sarah want to acknowledge their Love For and Commitment To each other in the presence of family and friends. Both feel there is a Spiritual Entity sanctioning them, Emotional Support between them, an Intellectual Sharing with one another, and a Physical Connection both are desiring of.

Ricia & Sarah will, at this time, give a declaration of their love and pledge to each other to nurture these aspects of their relationship.

Declaration of Love

by Sarah

Coming Home

Entering this relationship with you, Rish, has meant coming home for me. For too long, I have felt like a sailor having been tossed and churned by the sea, where the compass rose determined my destination. However, within the realm of your love, I found my home port, my heart's hearth. Even when we were 3,000 miles away I felt the draw, just as the compass needle is pulled to true north, my love for you has become as steady. Thank you for letting me have a home in your heart.

by Rish

Finding Freedom

Entering this relationship with you Sarah, has meant I can finally be myself, with you. You have helped me to know I am now whole with the unconditional love and acceptance you have shown me. I would like you to know you have given me a reflection of who I really am when I look into your eyes. Since you have entered my life, I feel serenity deep in my soul, a peacefulness in my heart and a comfort I have never known.

Declaration of Commitment

to Ricia

Within the realm of our loving & intimate relationship, I will aspire to incorporate the following within: Courage, Love, Trust, Honor, Truth, Charity, Loyalty, Unity, Passion, Joy, Kindness, Humor, Hope, Humility, Compassion, Fidelity, Fairness, Justness, Respectfulness, Patience, Gentleness and Understanding. Knowing changes are inevitable, I accept the challenges these changes will bring to us, for as long as we are both willing to listen and convey our thoughts with each other.

I hereby give you my solemn word these are my intentions. I will strive to achieve being the best I can possibly be, while at the same time trying to give you the things you need, in order for you to be the best you can possibly be.

to Sarah

Sarah, in the spirit of this loving and intimate relationship, I will aspire to incorporate the following within: genuineness, love, laughter, honesty, fidelity, joy, trust, courage, honor, truth, charity, unity, passion, kindness, hope, humility, compassion, fairness, justness, respect, patience, understanding, nurturance, support, freedom, openess, gentleness, growth, challenge and spirituality.

I hereby give you my solemn word these are my intentions. I will strive to achieve being the best I can possibly be, while at the same time trying to give you the things you need to be the best you can possibly be.

(song)Seduce by Celene Dion

Dedication to the Commitment with an Exchanging of Rings

Rish, giving you this ring is a token which declares not only my love for you, but also my earnestness to fulfill this commitment made to you.I hereby intend to pursue my pledge with sincerity, enthusiasm and joy in my heart!

Sarah, giving you this ring is a symbol of my unending love and desire for you to be my life partner, ever reminding us as we look at these rings over the years to come, of the feelings we have right now for each other.

Closing Words from Jim Tomlin


(song)Because You Loved Me by Celene Dion

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Free Lesbian SHE CARDS, Greetings for all occasions...wonderful site

A wonderful site of Lesbian/Gay Unions and celebration of love. This site is meant to help others looking for ideas about how to do their own Lesbian/Gay ceremonies.

Check out this site for womyn by womyn.They have ezine, chat, free cards and more:)

Tons & Tons of lesbian resources

Check out this site for information about Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

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