I will begin each week,
with addressing the importance of regular hair mantanance.
Do's and Don'ts, of course,
and my recommendations for beautiful hair,
and carefree results !!!
This week,
I would like to begin with my perscription for
regular routine hair trims, and why they are soooo important.
First of all,
The average growth of hair is1/2 inch per month,
on those of us who have short hair,
1/2 of an inch is a lot of hair,
and just enough to throw off the lines of a sharp looking style.
Another reason for regular trims is that hair is subject to all kinds of abuse.
Blow drying,brushing,combing,
shampooing, curling irons, chemicals,
and even our environment,
play havoc on the ends of our hair.
Once a hair splits at the ends, the end, itself,becomes weak.
If not trimmed right away,
the hair begins to peel backwards.
In other words, the split,separates the hair at the end,
and before you know it, the hair is weakened,
because it{after a while} becomes two tiny little strands,
and not one strong one.
After some period of time,
it becomes much easier to break these little strands,
resulting in frizzie ends,
and basically an unhealthy looking head of hair.
My recommendation for avoiding this,
is to establish yourself with one good hairstylist,
and make appointments for a haircut,
every 4 weeks.
Make them in advance too,
because your hair stylist would much rather you
have an appointment when you need it,
then to wait until the last minute to schedule,
and not be able to get that trim when you need it......
What you will have, as a result,
is healthier hair,
and a hairstyle that never loses it zing! :)
Let's keep beautifying america ladies!!!!!
For the next segment of Quik Snips.......
Please feel free tho e-mail me,and mark the subjet box Quik Snips.
I will take all questions,
and publish my answers to you in the next week's issue of this column.
Who knows,
Maybe you will be the one to be brave
and ask the question that we all may need to know the answer to.
Any special requests for information,
will be honored, and gotten to as soon as I can.
If you have questions of a confidential nature ,
and would rather I answer you in private,
Please let me know.
i m CUTN2