My name is really Peter Zakutansky-
you can see why people call me "Zak".
except when the rest of my family is around-
My mom is "Zak", my dad is "Zak", little brother is "Zak"-
you can see where it would be confusing.
I live in Washington D.C., (a city I truly love dispite all of its problems) with a great guy named Luigi. I teach out at
Montgomery College in Rockville Md. in the Speech Dance and Theatre dept. where I am the technical director which means I wear alot of hats depending on the situation. I have been working in theater all my adult life- in various jobs- but I enjoy educational theater alot.
See some of my theater links below! I'll have some photos of my stuff back up on this page soon
I am an active member of the Chesapeake Bay Bears (C.B.B.) In fact, I am a past president and vice president and right now I am in charge of the club store (you know- Tee shirts, pins and stuff). It's a great group of guys (about 110 right now) who get together for social functions, potlucks, movies, and bar nights and raise some money for different AIDS-related charities in D.C.and Baltimore. Stop by our page and check it out!!!
Don't know what a bear is? Check out my other pages or stop by the C.B.B. page. (Luigi, my other half, is the club's web master-  we keep it all in the family)
I, as many of my C.B.B. friends, hang out at a bar called the DC Eagle here in D.C. or the Baltimore Eagle.
In Rehoboth, its the Double L Bar.
Check them out and you may find me there!
I am 43, 6'2" and 210+ Reddish brown hair going grey fast, balding (or at least retreating), bearded and your general everyday BEAR. My Bear code is B5/4 f+ t+ d v g k (at least I think) If any of you who know me, think I should change this just let me know. Don't know what a Bear Code is? Just check out this Link
                 Married?......Yes,to a great man
                       Happy?.............You bet- wouldn't you be?
Anymore specific and you will have to ask in private!....
                                          so E-mail me and ask away!!!!
This is Luigi and I at last year's Pride Day in D.C.
(I am the taller of the two)
The say a picture is worth a thousand words- so I'm going to save some words-
halloween-which one is me?.   .. us at "bear invasion" ...    ...Jeff-my best friend
click here for more shots of me and my friends
The Chesapeake Bay Bears and my job take up alot of my life and I never have enough time to spend with Luigi but somehow I always manage.....
I've traveled through Europe and been to Hong Kong, thanks to theater,and been to most areas of the U.S.
As with most bears I know, I love to eat and knowing that up front, I learned to cook the things I like to eat.
Pizza is one of my specialties- someday maybe I'll get some recipes on this sight or at least links to others.
For now check out these sites
Cooking Links
Epicurious on line
gourmet spot
Theater Links
Play bill on line
Costume Page
IATSE Local 21 Stage Employees- good resourses and links
Let me know what you think of this page as my good friend Dave and I are just starting on this stuff.
PLEASE feel free to send me anything you think I or our club (CBB) would be interested in, and let me know if you are coming to D.C. for a visit, after all we are tourist-friendly bears.
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