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Welcome to our home page!!! We are a lesbian couple from Cleveland, Ohio, USA. We have met many wonderful people from the net and decided to try setting up our own homepage ourselves. We live in an all female household including one daughter, two dogs, and one cat. We met in the fall of 1994 and subsequently had our commitment ceremony on 5/20/95. Friends very close to our hearts shared our special day with us.

One of our favorite hobbies as a family is traveling. In 1996, on our first vacation together, we went to Disney World and had a blast!!! In 1997, we went on an Eastern Caribbean cruise and we had so much fun on that vacation that we have mandated a cruise for our vacation planning every other year.  The picture below was taken from the last cruise we took back in 2002. It was formal night on the ship so of course we had to get decked out!!! When I get a chance, I will update our vacation page so you can see pictures from our mini-trips in the summer of 2001 and the cruise of 2002.  Ahhh... a Mommycat's work is never done!

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Next we come to our daughter, Penny, who is holding the poor Mieux in the towel. Penny brought home Mieux 7/2/97 when she found her apparently abandoned by her mother in a nearby playground. Luckily I had the next day off and I had her checked out by our vet.  Mieux weighed in at a whopping 1-3/4 lbs! The vet estimated her to be between 3 and 4 weeks old.  Mieux had an upper respiratory infection, eye ulceration, and ear mites. What a lovely present to bring home to your mothers!!! Mieux was so weak that she would open her mouth to meow and nothing would come out! Look at that poor thing trying to meow now....  (At the time the picture was taken, it was medication time for poor Mieux!)

As I mentioned earlier, we also have 2 dogs who are part of the household--Jamie Leigh and Spanky.  Jamie is such an excellent yellow lab.  I, myself, am not a dog person but I just love Jamie to death.

jamie.jpg (20941 bytes)

And here is a picture of Spanky (the spoiled one of the dogs). When Karen got her, she was told that Spanky wouldn't live past a year. (She's 11 years old now!!!)

Here is a picture of the poor Mieux in a very compromising position partaking in her not-so-favorite feline activity--bathing.

Now, if this poor kitten sees that her Mommycat has put this picture on the net, she'll claw my eyes out--NOT...she's declawed! In Mieux's defense, I thought I'd include the following graphic link.

Penny and I entered the traveling "got milk?" contest while it was at my place of employment. If you click on our picture, you will go to their website. Think we have a chance? lol...

So, what else do we do besides work our tails off and torture our pets?  We both like to play pinochle online at, though, not at the same time. Karen is in the process of teaching me how to play racquetball (her favorite activity) and though it is hard on my knees, I feel this adrenaline rush when I leave the court drenched in sweat! We both manage to squeeze in a home improvement project from time to time which is amazing in and of itself. 

I have a ton of hobbies--all of which are costly and/or time consuming. They include photography, gourmet cooking, stamp collecting, and being a "fan reporter" (which I love doing) for my fan page on the Cleveland Rockers (which you can get to from the Cleveland links). I also started taking private flying lessons and had my first solo flight on 11/19/00! What an exhilirating experience that was!

Well, we must get going now. We will be constantly adding new things to this site so please feel free to look around. Due to space considerations, I have removed the Midi Files Link. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us. Please sign our guestbook on your way out. Thank you again for dropping by and May Peace Always Be With You.

P.S. If you happen to see that I'm online, please feel free to use the format below to ICQ me. I will respond promptly if I'm online. Feel free to stop by again. Take care. ~meow~

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Last updated February 7, 2004.

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