Welcome To My Home

Becomming An Individual

Hi  I'm Danielle Lynn.  
I signed up on 01/12/98 05:48:18, I'm in the process of moving in so things are a little messy right now. My home is a place to come to have some fun. It is also a place where you can ask questions about my experiences just in case you're just comming into the realization you don't exactly fit in the world you've come to know. My story is similar to other stories I've been hearing. The first myth has just been shattered. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Until we start talking to other people we really can't imagine that there could be anyone out there who could possibly feel the way I feel. The first step is to realize you are who you are. That was decided at the moment you were conceived. The important thing to remember is that it is up to YOU to develope yourself as an indiviual. But being an individual has its responsibilities. In order to be all I can be I always try to put others feelings before my own... MORE LATER...

My interests are:
Computers * Music * Friendship.

Email me at daniellelynn@geocities.com
Please come back soon and visit me.

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