Christianity and Homosexuality

How to be a real Christian, and homosexual... and be at peace.

God said that, as Christians, we are called to love, we are called to care, we are called to show compassion and to share the Truth of the Gospel message with our world. We each have our own "worlds", our own spheres of people we come in contact with. The question is, what do we do when we meet these people? Do we meet them with our demands and prejudices or with the love of Christ? Will we come to them in love? Or will we come to them in our own pride?... Is it our job to judge, or God's?...

I believe it is our job to show God's love, and compassion, and forgiveness to those around us. It is also our job as Christians to speak about what He has done for each one of us in our own lives, and to show people Christ... not condemnation.

We must not learn to accept sin however, but to love the sinner. You hear that so many times coming from people speaking of homosexuality. The question is, is homosexuality in itself a sin? That is what I will try to adress here.

NOTE: To move through the pages, click on the button on the bottom of every page (this will bring you through all the pages in order.)

Introduction Bible interpretation Leviticus Sodom Romans 1 Corinthians What Jesus Had to Say What is Human Sexuality and What is Normal? Conclusions Links Comments

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last updated 11-17-97