
Thanks to everyone for visiting my site over the past few years. To show my appreciation, I've decided to move this site to another more reliable server that will allow more connections and more downloads per day. Also the new site will have much more content that hopefully will encompass a wider range of topics. I want to apologize in advance for any inconvience.

UPDATE!!! It looks as though the transfer is taking a little more work than was initially anticipated. Keep checking back. I know, I know, I know; Blah...Blah...Blah... Well I ended upgrading to a 500GB monster, so hopefully that will be able to hold everything for a while.


Unfortunately, the site is no longer in the works. Thanks again for everyone that visited over the years. As with any changes in life there has to be sacrifices. This I'm sorry to say is one of those sacrifices that I must make. The only thing left of this site is this page and the graphics displayed on it. Thanks to XD (XploSive DesIgns) and their crew for helping and going over drafts of the new site. I really appreciate all the effort in making it what it ultimately became. I will however leave the option open of returning to this and other sites like it to help with the content. Thank you very much... SA (site administrator)