Welcome to the
Miss Gay Empire State New York WebSite!

...And to the Incredible World of State Competition in the Arena of Female Impersonation

Pageant History Former Title Holders 1997's Reigning Miss The 1997 Pageant

What's Up & Coming Application & Pageant Info Personal Info & Favorite Links

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

...Please pardon our appearence while Under Construction...

1-24-98 ... The most recent addition to the site is the Former Title Holders Page.
This will be updated further as the professional still shots arrive.

Of course, The History page is up and running as is the 1997 Pageant Page (which includes pictures of this years pageant and the reigning Miss Gay Empire State: "Miss Understood" of Buffalo, NY!!!)

In addition, the Guestbook Pages are available.
I urge you to please visit the Sign Guestbook page,
all comments are welcome!

The final pages are in the works, including upcoming events and benefits and a page with specifics about the pageant itself (it'll include a copy of the application for those who are interested in competing this fall). There'll even one with some personal information about me with a bunch of my favorite links.

Please check back regularly and feel free to drop me an e-mail with any questions
(or coding errors I may have overlooked)- THANK YOU!!!


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