I'm PgmrGeek
Welcome to my page!  Thanks for dropping by!
My interests are: photography, arts, computers, mt. biking, and working out.
I live in San Jose, California, and virtually exist on IRC EFNET, in GaySanJose and GaySF.
Me ^      ^Cutie
See my Before and After pics
See my kids
If you workout at a gym, and want a workout partner, let me know!  I work out 4
days a week, M-T-TH-F, from 7am - 8:30am.  You're gym or mine!
If you love photography and would like going on local photo shoots, let me know! I
love traveling the SF Bay Area in pursuit of the Perfect Picture.
You can always reach me at:
Well, if you just have to know...
I'm 41, 5'10",  165#, 32w, buff, an avid cyclist, trim, clean cut,
have brown hair and green eyes.
You are visitor #
since April 7th, 2001