This is my page about my attempt at
keeping a saltwater aquarium since
April 1, 1998 which in itself has been a
I have kept freshwater fish for more than
10 years off and on and thought I would
give saltwater fish a try.  The colors are
so much more vivid and the variety is
almost endless!
On my recent vacation to Long Beach, CA
I just had to visit the local pet store that
deals in nothing but fish.  I couldn't
believe the prices, so I had this bright idea
to bring some back home with me (10 in
all.)  That was a "trip" in itself to say the
The following is a list of what I brought
back with me...
1- Coral Beauty Angel
1- Fantail Filefish
1- Yellow Belly Damsel
1- Pork Fish
1- Yellow Eye Tang
1- Naso Tang
2- Bangaii Cardinals
1- Chocolate chip Starfish
1- Pincushion Urchin
I think what amazed me the most with
this whole experience of bringing these
fish back home with me to St. Louis, is
that they all made it alive!