Joe Bates Alternative Endings

Chapter 61

by Donna Allyson McLeod

.......... Joe, Tim and Mary went out into the parking lot. Joe signed out one of the company vans. He knew from experience that these shopping trips could get extensive and he certainly did not expect this one to be any different especially since they would be buying Mary a little of everything to get her started in her new role as a girl.

.......... Tim was the first to start up the conversation. He had noticed how Mary was having trouble walking in the skirt and heels.

.......... "It gets easier to walk in those shoes very quickly. It's the three and four inch jobs that are hard to get used to Phil." he said.

.......... "Probably so Tim but between the shoes and the strange feeling of this slip and skirt on my legs, I cant keep my attention on walking. And guys, please use my new name from now on. I have to get used to it and don't want to use the old one for obvious reasons." Mary replied.

.......... "I'm sorry Mary. I understand." Said Tim.

.......... "Mary, so how do you like the new "equipment"? asked Joe.

.......... 'Darn it Joe, look at me, I look no older than a high school girl."

.......... "Don't complain Mary, If Dr. Krell had not told me that the de-aging thing was over I was worried I would end up back in elementary school. As it is I look like a high school freshman. It is going to be interesting when I go to get my driver's license changed over. Paperwork or not. I am sure I am going to raise some eyebrows. But I don't care. I like the new me. By the way, I am using the name Tammy now."

.......... And I am now going to use the feminine of Joel. Call me Jo-Ellen. Said Joe.

.......... "Those names are wonderful. They fit you both. Said Mary.

.......... Why thank you Miss. Said Jo-Ellen. And Tim.. er Tammy you had better get that license change quickly. You don't want to spend a night in a jail cell with some guys. Not looking like that. Joe said with a smile.

.......... " Your telling me. You better drive Jo-Ellen. Lets go buy some clothes and get some food. said Tammy.

.......... "Good idea. The first thing we have to get for you Mary is some pantyhose.. That white top and pleated skirt looks great on you but you should at least get some neutral colored pantyhose to accent your legs. Which by the way are very sensuous." Said Jo-Ellen.

.......... "How long did it take you to get used to this female stuff Jo-Ellen? God, everything feels and looks so different. All I want to do is feel myself. Damn, just the feel of the slip and skirt against my legs makes me get a hard on." Said Mary

.......... Jo-Ellen and Tim burst out laughing at Mary's candor. "With what?" asked Tammy. "It gets better Mary, Joe and I went thru the same thing. Just wait to you get laid the first time."

.......... "No way Tim. This guy is not going to bed with another man. What do you think I'm queer or something?" said Mary.

.......... The three women were passing an empty store in the Mall and the dark glass made a very effective mirror.

.......... "Mary wait a minute." The three women stopped in front of the glass window. "Look Mary." Joe said pointing at their reflection. "All I see is three beautiful young women. You will only be queer if you decided to make it with girls. You got all the equipment now kid. Flaunt it. Use it. But be careful." Jo-Ellen said.

.......... "And you can take it from me. It is a lot better. You ought to know. Your the one that took my "Cherry". Tammy said with a big. Grin.

.......... "Tim.. er Tammy I didn't know you were still a virgin. I'm sorry I ..I.."

.......... "Don't worry about it Mary. I wanted you to do it. And soon you will want it too. Your the virgin of this group right now." Tammy said with experience.

.......... Mary said nothing. It was obvious that she was contemplating this information.

.......... They passed the same DMV office that Joe had gone to a few days earlier. "Tammy, Do you have the paperwork from Dr. Krell explaining your new status as a female and your driver's license with you?" asked Jo-Ellen. "Sure why?" asked Tammy. "Then lets get you a new license." said Jo-Ellen. They entered the DMV office and approached a window. The same woman was on duty. When she saw Jo she recognized her immediately. She beamed a big smile. "Why hello there hon. Did I make a mistake on your license?" She asked. "No." Said Jo-Ellen. "But I do have a young friend here who has the same problem I did and needs her license changed as well." Replied Jo-Ellen. Tammy produced his old license and the letter. The woman looked at the young girl and then scrutinized the documents. She looked again at Tammy and just shook her head. All the while maintaining a big grin. "I did not think this thing went on that much." She said. Mary could not help but get in on the act. "Wait until I come in and get my Minnesota license changed over." Said Mary. The woman looked at Mary and said:, You too?" Mary nodded her head in the affirmative. The woman just laughed at the whole thing. "Ok, lets get you one at a time." She said. She was in hysterics. She took Tammy's picture, made the appropriate changes until she came to the name. "You really don't want Timothy on this do you dear?" she asked. "No not really. I am going to change it legally to Tammy." "That is a lovely name dear. I will put that on here so that you won't have to change it again. She said. "Thank you ma'am." Tammy said with the sweetest reply she could muster.

.......... To Mary the woman said: "When your ready dear, you make sure you come and see me personally. Ok?" Mary nodded. I will. The woman started to walk away after giving Tammy her new license. She turned to face the three young women. "Tell me something. How many more are there like you?" "A lot more than you think. A lot more." Relied Jo-Ellen. Thinking of what the cage was going to be used for. "Great." Said the woman. "I can think of one guy in particular that could use a little feminization myself." She said. "Who is that?" asked Jo-Ellen. "My Husband. He is a chauvinist if there ever was one. A brute too." She said. "He could be changed very easily." Said Jo-Ellen. "Call me sometime if you like. The name is the same." Said Jo-Ellen. Handing her his business card. She looked at the card. "My name is Sally, Joe er Jo-Ellen. Thank you. I just might." "Good bye ladies. It has been nice meeting you. She looked at the card again and started to hum. Tammy felt a lot better. She now had some official documentation showing her new identity. And probably the most important one at that, one with a picture on it. Jo-Ellen and his companions left the office and returned to the van.

.......... Shortly they were in the Mall parking lot and after parking the vehicle, the three young woman went into the Mall. They spent the afternoon shopping at stores like Le Femme Boutique, Victoria's Secrets, JC Penny, Dillard's, Sears, and a few other specialty stores. It was dark when they were finished. It was all that the three of them could do to get all the packages back out to the van. Mary was well on her way to a decent wardrobe. Of course Jo-Ellen and Tammy added a few items to their wardrobe as well. They locked the packages in the van and went into Bertucci's Steak House. They were immediately seated in a corner booth in the No Smoking section. Each ordered tea and a salad appetizer. The conversation for the rest of the meal was focused on answering Mary's many questions and offering advise. Joe thought as the meal progressed just what the new club could offer as an agenda. Counseling and support for all the "new" ladies that would be coming forth from Dr. Krell's new clinic. He would have to make the suggestion at the first meeting. They had been in the restaurant about ninety minutes when Jo-Ellen's pager went off. Joe excused himself and went out to the lobby to call the answering service.

.......... Tammy saw Jo-Ellen as she walked back across to dining are. She had the biggest smile on her face. "What was that all about...You look like you have had a very funny phone call?" said Tammy astutely.

.......... "You won't believe this, that was Norma. It seems as though our ranks have increased by one."

.......... "Oh?" said Mary.

.......... "Jo-Ellen continued gleefully, "Seems as though Jim Matheney decided to use the "Cage"."

.......... Tammy and Mary started to laugh in unison. "Unbelievable." Said Tammy. "Are all the men at Honeybone going to have a sex change?" Tammy could not stop her laughter. The other patrons in the restaurant looked over at the seemingly jovial women. Some must have thought that one of them had told a funny joke. If they only knew.

.......... Norma says that we should go home, get some sleep and meet at the Lab at 0800. We have an therapy treatment to take to finish up this de-aging thing. All of us except you Mary. Dr. Krell wants to give you a follow-up pelvic exam. Norma says Jim is fine but they are going to run the routine tests on him this evening. Norma has some proposals for us to review before she goes back to Minneapolis and fires any "Machos" that give her any opposition or criticism. And Mary, she said to tell you that you have a job at Honeybone if you want it. Something to do with getting your ratings current. She needs a personal pilot.

.......... "That's great Joe. I can see it now though, a lot of eyebrows will be raised at an eighteen year old female pilot flying multi engine "corporate."


.......... "Hey Sis, what about me. I look even younger than you." When I get in the plane the only stick they will want to give me is at the end of a lollipop. Tammy quipped.

.......... "Not if I'm your instructor Tammy. You're too damded good. Said Jo-Ellen.

.......... Mary continued, "Even though I have that pension coming to me from the agency, I really did not want to quit work. If I did that I would probably end up married, pregnant and a house full of kids. I may not mind doing that later, but NOT quite yet. Mary giggled at her remark. That Norma, she's turning out to be one nice lady. I won't mind working for her."

.......... "Well looks like I will be doing instructor work for awhile? Replied Joe.

.......... "I'll tell you one thing Jo, if us girls are going to fly those planes, the are sure going to have to come up with a retro-fit so that we can at least pee in comfort."

.......... Tammy almost choked on that remark.

.......... Jo had taken notice at how rapidly Mary had taken on a female personality. She wondered if the therapy she had received early into her change-over had anything to do with it. Mary obviously was settling in as a girl quite rapidly.

.......... "Hey guys, lets get out of here and head home." I don't know about either of you, but I am ready to hit the sack. Mary are you coming to my place? Becky will be delighted if you stay with us, and so would I?" Asked. Tammy.

.......... "Sure. Should be fun." Replied Mary.

.......... "Good enough, I will drop you both off and then head home myself. Linda and I have a lot to talk over as well." Said Jo-Ellen

.......... With that an exceptional day came to an end.


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