Coming Out ... My Story

Well..where do I begin? I guess I'm not your "typical" born and bred lesbian. I married my high school sweetheart, and within seven years, things between the two of us went sour. I filed for divorce, and it was finalized not even 2 months after my eighth anniversary. In those eight years, though, I had two beautiful children.

I also learned a lot about myself in those eight years. It wasn't until a year before I filed for the divorce that I became curious. A friend was visiting from Seattle, to whom I became attracted very quickly. Well, we "cemented the relationship" and slept together the third night she was here. I went to visit her in Seattle two months later, and had a fabulous time. Unfortunately, six months after my visit, we began drifting apart, and the distance really had taken a toll. My husband and I weren't happy with the situation any more, and I was miserable. So, I broke it off with her, and proceeded to drink half of a bottle of tequila that night. My husband was out of town, and my best friend had to go to work. But, I survived.

Well, later that summer, my best friend and I went to San Diego for a week, and had a wonderful time! We loved it so much, that we've even thought of moving there. Oh, did I mention that best friend was Wildcat? I guess that's important to mention. She and I wound up getting together that summer, and here we are, 4 years later :)

So, now I've joined the ranks as a lesbian. I've come out to co-workers, friends, and my family. Coming out to family was a terrifying experience, but it went smoother than I could've ever imagined. Wildcat has come out to all of her family as well, including her sister this past November. It was difficult, but it feels much better to have things out in the open. Our families are both religious, and those that we've come out to may not "understand" it, but support us just the same. Her mother has really been fabulous to the both of us, and has called me her daughter on many occassions. I can't begin to tell you how good that feels :)

Wildcat and I were married in a Las Vegas wedding chapel on December 31, 1998 among friends. We've now been married for two years, and are as happy as we've ever been. We recently adopted a toddler from our state, which recognizes both of us as his parents. Knock on wood, we've not had a bad experience yet when it comes to dealing with the "mainstream community" and our orientation. So, that's my story, in a nutshell. If you have any questions, or suggestions even, feel free to email me. Until then...peace.

Last Modified: March 4, 2001