So you'd like to know about my interests, huh?
Well, they are really quite varied.
Using computers to do my job as well as play, I would
have to say, is what consumes most of my time. I spend a lot of my
free time on the "net" either chatting with my girlfriends or surfing various
topics. I like to chat. I prefer interfaces which are more
real time (i.e. using JAVA, etc.) than those that are web based and require
constant updating. I know several programming languages, including
BASIC, Visual BASIC, ForTran, and Pascal. I am teaching myself HTML
and PERL and am taking an internet course in 'C'. What a God-awful
language C is. No offense to all of the C lovers out there but could
anyone have invented a more convoluted language. Even the most simple
processes are so complicated as to make them nearly impossible to accomplish.
I think, for now, I'll stick with the other languages I know for my programming
My second love is music. I play several instruments
and absolutely love to sing. If I weren't such a practical person
I might even have tried my hand at making some money as a musician.
But alas, that is truly the life of a pauper. If I ever find myself
on the street without anywhere else to turn, maybe I'll give it a shot,
but for now I'll stick with the engineering cash cow. Besides, if
I had to rely on music for a living I'm sure it would lose most of its
My thrid love is flying. I love to fly. As
a youngster, I wanted to fly as a profession but this too, proved to be
a fruitless pursuit. Instead, I chose about 8 years ago to get my
private pilots license. Oh what a feeling! To soar through
the air with the utmost ease. I love it! But this hobby has
been on the back burner for a couple of years now due to time and money
issues. I hope someday soon I can get back to it.
I am also, fascinated with space. I am drawn to
all sorts of science fiction, particularly that which explores things which
are on the leading edge of modern science and philosophy. I believe
that many of the answers to our most intriguing questions lie out there
in the far reaches of the galaxy. Yes, like the X-files slogan says,
I believe that we are not alone. I find it the height of human arrogance
to believe that out there among the billions and billions (as Carl Sagan
would say) of stars that there are no other life forms whether similar
to our own or not. Yes, I am a Trekkie, but not a die hard one.
The only Trek show I watch faithfully now is Voyager. The others
are either reruns or seem so contrived that I have a hard time palating
A hobby which really spans all of the others as well as
every other part of my daily life, is "girl-watching". I don’t mean
this in a perverse sort of way but rather, watching women not only to enjoy
their shear grace and beauty, but also to understand everything about what
they are. I observe their faces… the way they are made up… their
lips, their cheeks, their noses, and especially their eyes. I love
to look at long lashes and well-madeup eyes. They say the eyes are
the window to the soul and I believe they are truly what communicates for
us the most. The eyes say so much that we could never express even
with the most eloquent prose. I also study their mannerisms and style.
Such truly beautiful creatures, woman are. Maybe, if gender weren't
such in issue in our society, we could all express ourselves with such
style and grace. Maybe someday, transgenderism will be accepted as
left-handedness is now. A little different? Sure. But
unacceptable? Never! Lets have as much diversity as we can
muster so that we can each pursue different avenues of knowledge and then
come together to share our treasures with all who would call us friends.
And just to show ya...
Here I am swearting over a HOT Keyboard!