I thought no one could ever love me;
  I felt so big and clumsy and ugly;
I thought I was destined to spend my life on some dusty shelf,
ignored, unwanted, occasionally laughed at by those
more delicate and dainty than I.

Then you came into my life;
you made me feel beautiful; you made me feel sexy;
you made me feel wanted; you said you needed me,
that you just had to have me,
You said that you would love me forever.
You bought things for me.  Dresses to compliment my coloring,
jewelry that flashed and caught the eye;
handbags that suited me so perfectly.
I felt so ALIVE, So SPECIAL.
You would stand with me in front of the mirror
and admire me as we turned and posed and danced.
We would sit in front of the fireplace with some new gown you had bought me
and you would tell me about all the places we would go together.
How people would turn to look at us and admire our beauty.
      How we would dance and laugh and kick up our heels.
     I looked forward to the hours we would spend together.
     When you would slip into me and
I would cling to you, feeling your warmth,
holding you safely so you would not fall.
Then you started spending less time with me.
You would say that our being together was wrong.
I wanted to shout that we belonged together forever!
You said you never wanted to see me again.
You put all my dresses and jewelry into a bag
and then you held me,
so tight I thought you had changed your mind.
 I looked at your lovely face. A tear trickled down your cheek.
I wished I could cry, too.
  You put me in the bag and closed it tightly -
I never saw you  again.
    I knew no one would ever come looking for me.
After all, without you, I am just an ordinary pair
of high heeled shoes.........

© 1998 D.E. White

This poem is dedicated to a very special group of heterosexual men who are so misunderstood by society, and themselves, and shamed by their desire to crossdress that they periodically try to "purge" their feminine personna.  Transgendered MTF's (male-to-female) are some of the most gentle, attentive and considerate men I have ever known.  For more information, contact the Transgender Education Association at  http://www.zzapp.org/tgea/home.htm .