Doug's Travels

Hi! Welcome to my Travel page!

I have done much traveling in my life, from the midwest, USA, where I grew up to the west coast, southwest, south, north, and a bit east of where I live and grew up, the State of Ohio. Also known as the "Buckeye State." I've traveled to Europe, Mexico and as far away as the "Land Down Under"(me favourite Country in the world), also known as Australia.

I've climbed, hiked, camped and snow skiied the Rocky Mountains and the Swiss Alps. I've swam the pacific ocean, atlantic ocean and the gulf of Mexico(also the Ohio river and twin creek..hehehe). I've stayed in luxury hotels from Sydney to the slummiest hotels of Melbourne(and I have 2 friends to prove the slummy part and pics as well :-)) I've slept in one man tents, gp medium tents(shared with 50 other guys), 2 man tents and just on the ground with a sleepiing bag.

I will be putting links and pics on this page to share with you as I find time and the pics to scan. Hope you enjoy the page and it encourges you to visit some of the places I have been and enjoyed in my life. And as always I will share pics of some of these places as I find them and have the time to scan and link them.