Steve's Home Page

Taken in January, 2000 by Kevin C at the University of Tampa

Thank you for being a visitor!

Dates pages last updated: Tuesday, 20-May-03 16:42:41 PDT

IMPORTANT: For the most up to date version of these pages, please visit AND BOOKMARK:

Inaccurate, but here for hysterical reasons LOL

  • Home Page -July 3rd, 2K (New AUDIO files and news.)
  • About Steve -July 3rd, 2K (A couple updates and contact info)
  • Fantasy Lover -June 18th, 2K (NEW PAGE - A funny way to shop for a lover/boy friend)
  • Friends - June 18th, 2K (An important anniversary observed.)
  • Images - February 20th, 2K (Added to Gallery Five & New Gallery Six)
  • Photographic Equipment - November 18th, 1999
  • Jewelry - November 12th, 1999 (New Page)

Some NEWS:

Check out my new domain
Hear my voice... Yikes, or for more, My Weekly Planet PErsonals Voice Greeting... listen to my current personals voice greeting.

I changed the background graphic and made it into an animation. Yeah, it is kind of Phsycodelic, but I am after all Physco... I'm sure you can find several interesting patterns! :)

I no longer have a Worldnet (AT&T) account, nor do I use Hotmail, so please direct all future e-mail to:

Make the future bright for long hair... Grow yours!!!

Hey there, my name is Steve, thanks for checking out my home page. I hope that you will find these pages interesting and amusing, after all, that is what it is all about, to have fun and to enjoy life. Here you can learn a little bit (probably too much) about me, meet a few of my friends, and even see some pictures that represent some of my moods and experiences of the past few years. Also, at the bottom of this page are some awesomely kewl links to find other longhaired men on the net. So kick back, relax and enjoy. Find these pages entertaining, or else there will be extreme hell to pay! (Just kidding)

By the way, click on most any of the pictures presented in these pages for a larger image.

Make yourself at home, hang around, and don't forget to vacuum the carpet and take out the trash. Oh yeah, and get all of that hair out of the drain in the tub too. If you have any comments or suggestions to make these pages more entertaining, just send an e-mail to ...

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The majority of the contents of these pages are (C) Copyright 1997 - 2000, by Steve G. Prior permission required for redistribution. Just send an e-mail to ask.