ThE kIrBy1976 SpOt

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What it means:

  I figured that if you clicked there, you would wonder what kirby1976 means. It is my Internet Nickname, and the reason I chose it is actually funny and stupid, but oh well.

  When I was younger, I thought my mom's Kirby vacuum cleaner was the kewlest thing around. I told all of my friends about the neat stuff it did, like waxing floors and shampooing carpets, etc. My friends thought this was funny, so one of my friends decided to call me Kirby.

  When I tried to make Kirby my nickname on the Internet, it was of course taken, so I added 1976 to it, which is the year my mom's kewl Kirby vacuum was made. In the end, I just like the name because it sounds neat. :^)