Welcome to my website. It's that time again, that I change shit around, add some more pics, and express my current mood..  As you can see, my physical appearance has changed once again.  I'm no longer crossdressing, I've gone back to my true sexuality, which is homosexuality, and not transexual.  I'm also no longer single.  I've met someone special, we've been together for 7 months now, and for once I seem to be happy, settled down a bit,  matured. 
There are many linx on this site.   Feel free to browse around, after all that is why I'm wasting my time doing this eh?  For a full profile, click on the icon that says "bio." 
Thanks again for stopping by, enjoy the pix.
Yours ~  Lance Wanner
Meet the former me....For about two years, I lived as a transgendered person.  To be honest, it was great....I loved it...the clothes, oh how I miss the clothes.  Although, it takes me about 1/4th of the time to get ready, I truely miss this look.  I started out more androgenous, but as I got into it more, I started hormones, grew my hair, etc etc, and I think I blossomed into one fine lady....
Here I am when it all started, I came out when I was 15, and here I am, complete with my pride rings.  This pic was taken by a friend of mine in Fargo, one of the first gay men I had met.  It was all downhill after this.  LOL.  But I sure look like I'm having a good time in the pic, don't u think?
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