Rated NC-17
" Tender viewers, shield your eyes!" Your mother probably wouldn't approve of this page.
There's no nudity here, just adults playing.  Some people just can't stand that! 

The Ironass Himself! >The Ironass Himself!

The picture on the left is your's truly at Anything for Love 2001 in Kentucky. (See the links for that wonderful convention.) I was fortunate enough to have my pic taken with a lovely submissive miss!!

 Welcome to the Ironass's wonderful world of BDSM.

I am a 40 something, married, bisexual, submissive, masochist male (quite a mouthful, eh?) I'm into bondage, discipline, humiliation; leather, rubber, shoe and TV fetishes and lots of pain. I got the nickname "Ironass" because I don't bruise easily, though quite a few people have taken a shot at it, much to my dismay and delight. I also have a pretty high pain tolerance (he says with due modesty. No, this is not a challange). I have a wonderfully dominant wife, who is my Mistress, my lover and my best friend. We belong to a couple of support/social groups in the Northeast US.

Check out lucky me encased in rubber!
Here are some of me NOT encased in rubber.

Besides being into BDSM, I'm an information junkie. I've combined both these hobbies with a pretty decent resource library on BDSM and I'd love to help people find fun and pleasure in BDSM. I don't propose to know it all, but I might know where to find it. 

I've always been extremly lazy about updating this page.  Here are a few links that I'll attempt to verify and fix.  In the mean time,
Here are some links I have for BDSM and HTML and computer info.

I love the on-line comic strip MegaTokyo, so I took the quiz to find out which character I am. It turns out that I'm Piro (big surprise).

Which MegaTokyo Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

I am nerdier than 76% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
Note, New e-mail address!
If you have a question that I might be able to help with, drop me some e-mail at: smironass@yahoo.com

Let me know you got my address from this page.

 last messed with 4/25/02

Yeah, it's been a while 2/17/04

Added Piro 10/15/04

Added the new picture. 2/26/05

Added picture page. 7/16/05