If you are looking for cynicalgirl's personal pages of poetry, ramblings and other stuff, you came to the right place. Of course, I'd have to question why you'd do such a thing, but what the heck. ;)

This is my third serious attempt to find a permanent home for me and my work. My first poetry site was at Talk City, until it went bankrupt and took its sites with it. Fortunately, a friend was able to save my poems (I had WebTV at the time, therefore I couldn't back anything up) and I moved to Fortune City, which would have been fine except they changed their site-building software while I was in the middle of building my site. Then I remembered I had space here at GeoCites from way back when, and so here I am.

Vital statistics:
I'm in my mid-40s, a reader, writer and internet junkie. I'm a single lesbian who has pretty much had it with dating and love, so I'm not looking. (I reserve the right to change my mind but don't go holding your breath, ok?)  

Have questions? Use the button below to e-mail me!