Please, If you decide to enter my website and you happen to be sensitive, easily offended or just plain uptight, look up my Aunt Ona and join her "Sarah's Going To Hell" club; she needs the support . . . ( never mind the friends . . . ) And bear in mind that I am an adult (loosely defined as such, I'm sure ) and a pervert at times. So these web pages are sure to be chock full of cussin', pictures of men's and women's nipples, and various other nastybady thingies that some people ( my Aunt ) should never see . . . Then again . . . It's possible that Auntie Ona needs to see a good nipple now and again . . .
But you should now be properly warned to stay away if you're not 18 or older. Personaly I just don't care, apathetic geek that I am... Oh, and if you decide to write to me, I just may use it to my advantage and your embarrassment. Fair warning, I'm a bitch. |
Lately I've had a few truths shoved in my face and I feel like sharing. And really, what better way of giving you a glimpse of the lameness that is me? Enjoy:
1. I'm not as funny as I'd like to be ( but really, who can compete these days? EVERYBODY is funnier than I am . . . Three's a Crowd reruns are funnier than I am . . .Shit.
2. I am only a God in my own mind. ( Yeah, that came as a serious blow to the -what once was defined as my- ego.)
And 3. David Lynch in never going to finish his Twin Peaks series to my satisfaction. (The complete bastard!)
So, in retaliation to these and so many more injustices plauging-plaging-plaugeing - Just how in the hell do you spell that?! - this nation, I've decided to waste some of my not-really-precious time trying to pretend that I care about my poor spelling habits, sharing my thoughts and persperations, and throwing tiny bits of cheese at you and your mother. For you, my followers ( of, what, two? Besides the imaginary ones? . . .Oh, I guess that would be one then . . . And he doesn't count 'cause he gets the occasional taco as incentive for our "friendship" . . . Ah well. ) - Where was I? Oh, for you I give you my bullshit. Come on, you can do it... Just click on the link and into the lameness you go... It may not be much, but it's all I got and isn't that pathetic.