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Carrousel Club of South Australia Inc "Supporting All Gender Diversity"

This site was last updated on 21st April 2009
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The Carrousel Club is a social and peer support group for all transgendered people, their partners, families and friends. At this site, you can find out about our club, membership, what we offer, our activities, resources, and links to related sites.

If you are a first time visitor, please visit the About Us page, first. You might also be interested in the membership page. Regular visitors can use the links at the top and bottom of every page to move quickly around our site.

If you are searching for answers about your own gender identity, then you may find inspiration and information on these pages. Please contact your health professional, a club like ours, or anyone to assist with a plan to take control of your life. You do not have to head down the path of changing to the opposite sex, nor do you have to tell the world, but you do need to feel good about yourself and be positive about the future. Many of us have been seriously distressed (and suicidal) with our forced image, but have found answers, and in some cases, happiness.

If you know someone with gender issues or are just interested, please read the information contained within this site, but most of all, be supportive to the extent you can.

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