Many of us long to escape the pressures of modern living and return to the carefree days of our childhood. Freed of the burdens and responsibilities of adulthood, our lives could be twenty four hour a day, nonstop fun.

In the physical world, we can't really be children in body. But we can be child-like in spirit, if we let go of the jaded and artificial ideas that pollute  our adult view of the world. To be child-like, we need to open our minds and be spontaneous in our actions. We need to live for the pleasure of the moment and damn the consequences. Investigate a toad, play in a sandbox, wet a diaper, run through a sprinkler fully clothed, do a summersault in the grass. When we do these things, we're being child-like in spirit.

The stories archived in this Web site are told through a child's view of the world. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I've enjoyed writing them. I'll be writing new ones and continuing with the multi-part stories as time permits. Your comments are always welcome.

Keith Fraser   

Keith's Stories

X-File Nursery School

Part 1: The Switch
Part 2: Alex Sees A Change
Part 3: A Ray of Hope

Other Stories

No More Shame