Waste Management and Hazardous Waste Disposal


This web page will be discussing several waste disposal topics that occur on the campus of the University of Tampa. We will be discussing and answering the following questions:

*To find the answers to the following questions just click on the link

  1. What kinds of waste does the University of Tampa produce and where is it being disposed of?
  2. What kinds of waste are being thrown away and what kinds of waste are being recycled?
  3. Where is most of the waste being produced on campus coming from?
  4. Who and where is all of this trash going to?
  5. What happens to the toxic and hazardous chemicals that biological and chemical labs use and where do they go?
  6. What kinds of materials are coming from the medical center, are they hazardous, and if so what means do they take to dispose of it?
  7. How can you get students of the University of Tampa involved in trash clean up and recycling on campus?


E-mail us with any questions, comments, or concerns.


 If you want to know more about us just click on the following links

Jeremy Meyers Porsha Roy Amy Babakow

Page designed by Jeremy J. Meyers

with the help of Porsha Roy and Amy Babakow