Joses' Joint: Where else so fine but online?
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 About ME!!

     Let's start with some basic facts about myself. I was born in  Singapore and have lived here ever since. I am presently studying in THwa Chong Junior College. I am a Christian and will very willingly respond to any questions regarding my faith. 
     Ok,ok, I promise I won't blow my own trumpet. But do have some notable talents. For one thing, I LOVE to debate. Loading  reason, intuition, oratory and wit into a deadly arsenal of words is a passion of mine. 
     I also like computers and the Internet. I log on daily. It has, and will continue to revolutionize the way I live and work. That's the place where I can get my mp3 music and read the most stimulating essays ever penned. 
     I guess that's enough about me, for now. Here's how you can contact me.  


ICQ UIN:      7178155 (Don't NetBus me!!!!)