Enterin my site is like taking a journey into my mind. When you take that far journey into my mind you learn what its like to be me in a small little way..how I am feeling and What I am thinking... Please dont be afriad...and alway do enter at your own risk =)

Let see here....what is there about miss dani that I could tell you that you either haven't already read or dont already know about me.
I am gonna attend college once again =) . Unfortunately for me my brother and sister in law moved back home so they are no longer in my town good news is he is finally home from Korea and he is safe from danger. I hopefully will be gettin back into my own place. I neeed to purchase a few more things then I'll be set for a nice place with lots of nice new things. I met this really wonderful woman. She is so great. she is a pretty woman. ever since the first time i seen her I knew that I wanted to be with her. I have spent alot of time with her and I know that she is worth everything in the world. I hope she knows how special she is to me and how i'll wait for her and do what ever I can to help her. I wish for her all the happiness in the world. Even if its not with me. The man that she is dating now, well he puts a smile on her face < and what a beautiful one that is> and that is what means the most. But if he ever hurts her i'll be so mad because she deserves to be treated like a queen. Well I guess i'll say more at a later moment but for now here is a link to some songs that I am feeling right now =) enjoy check it out

Every thing changes and people move away. I have to say that 1 of my really good guy friends moved away and the drive thru at Jack in the Box just isn't the same no more ;) My dear friend Scot now see he went away to boot camp for the army, and he recently wrote me telling me he didn't forget bout me like I thought he would =) which totally brought a smile to my face. My other friend Sheldon now see him and Scot are like best friends or good friends the 3 of us use to go to dinner at least once aweek. hehehe anyhow, I really miss hanging out with them two cuz no matter how bad I was feeling or how shitty of a day I had they would always be able to just make me smile . Even though Sheldon is still around we dont see much of each other no more. With our busy schedules its hard and his girlfriend and my um no exhistant love life you know how it goes lol. Now dont get me wrong cuz I have 4 Girls that really kick ass. now I see these girls all the time like almost every day... 2 of them are dating someone and the 2 girls are roommates. Those 2 totally rock I have a blast when I am with them. The other 2 are friends. Keli she is really wonderful I dont think keli and I have ever gotten in a fight yet. and I know that I dont get irritated with her. Usually when I see someone alot I get irritated with them. but not with her. Hopefully when keli gets her car she'll be my roommate and we'll have a bad ass apt. When Keli gets out of the Navy we are gonna live on the beach oh by the way these 4 women are all in the navy. Keep checkin up and i'll have pics of me and my 5 closest friends soon ok.............

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