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Mineral Wells Prime Timers is a chapter of the national Prime Timers organization promoting social activities for the Gay and Bisexual male.


Our Mineral Wells Texas Prime Timers group began in 1980 as the


While a student at Texas Christian University in the 70's I became involved in Gay Liberation. Along with Ken Cyr (founder) and Charles Gillis I helped organize A.U.R.A. the first Gay organization in Fort Worth. I was vice-president. Also we three and others founded Fort Worth's Agape Metropolitan Community church in the mid 70's. I became interested in the civil rights movement while in the Army stationed at Fort Gordon, Georgia. Martin Luther King was to speak at a church in Augusta, GA. So a buddy and I went to that meeting. And lo and behold I got to meet him. A couple months later he was assassinated. But at that meeting I realized Civil Rights also included Gay civil rights.

Mineral Wells is 50 miles and 50 minutes West of Fort Worth, Texas.

In July 1999, A.U.R.A. merged into the world-wide Prime Timers organization as the


In November 2006 we changed our name to

Cross Timbers Prime Timers.

With the name change the our group is hoping to appeal to men located in the Ft. Worth, Texas area.

Our Prime Timers group will celebrate it's

eight anniversary in July, 2007

and combined with the original AURA group will celebrate our

27th year in July, 2007.

Many friendships and long term relationships have developed from our monthly socials.

Our organization is for all Gay and Bi-sexual men. It was orginally organized for mature Gay men and is our main emphasis. Because we are the only Gay organization in the rural area between Fort Worth and Abilene Texas, we want all guys, no matter what age, to feel welcome.

Call us at 940-325-0325
If no answer call 940-452-8434.

Observations by Woody Baldwin, founder of the first Prime Timers: The Older gay male grew up in an era when our lifestyle was considered best closeted. Having pursued a career and maybe a family, many were not familiar with Gay life, and entrance into the lifestyle was cumbersome and undirected. Prime Timers provides an entrance. Activities and associations developed in Prime Timers get guys out of the house and on the go. Prime Timers is social only, not political. You do not have to be "out of the closet." We protect your identity. Prime Timers provides an outlet, other than bars, to meet people.

Almost every month a carpool of Mineral Wells Prime Timers attends other Prime Timers functions and parties in other cities! Join us!

Individual Membership: $10.00 a year.


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Visit other Prime Timers pages:

The Prime Timers World Wide Webpage
Prime Timers of Dallas-Ft. Worth, Inc.
Houston Prime Timers
Cross Timbers Prime Timers
Austin Prime Timers
San Antonio Prime Timers
Tulsa Area Prime Timers
Central Oklahoma City Prime Timers

Gay Groups that use Lake Mineral Wells State Park:
Lake Mineral Wells
Texas Conference of Clubs
Dallas Gay Outdoor Club
North Texas Camping Club

Gay Movie Theaters Fort Worth:
Q Cinema

Gay Bars Fort Worth

Best Friends Club

The Stampede Bar

Gay Bars Dallas & Fort Worth

Bar Listing

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