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Pride and Politics:

Transgender Issues

The National Organization of Women (USA)

Resolution on Transgender Oppression

WHEREAS, The National Organization of Women (NOW) has worked for the elimination of all forms of oppression in our society targeted at groups who are systematically mistreated; and

WHEREAS, the transgendered and transsexual communities confront oppression daily and are systematically mistreated because of artificial gender constructs in our society; and

WHEREAS, there is a lack of understanding and information on issues affecting transgendered and transsexual people; and

WHEREAS, one of NOW's goals is to eliminate all sex stereotypes including so-called gender roles; and

WHEREAS, NOW affirms and honors the right of people to self-identify;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that NOW and its sub-units encourage education and dialogue within NOW and other organizations on gender and sex stereotypes including those who are transgendered and transsexual people,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that NOW reaffirm its commitment to end all sex and gender stereotypes,

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that we acknowledge that gender is a patriarchal social construct used to oppress women.

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This page was last on September 3, 1998

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