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Closets are for Clothes

Friends are Forever

Teresa is quite a special person. When transpeople come out, especially later in life, we have have a lot of catching up to do in order to develop and round out our personalities. A lot of us look for real-life role models. Teresa, unknowingly, fulfilled much of that for me.

I learned a lot from Teresa about fashion and presentation. Which is not to say I imitated her. But her sensibilities had a strong appeal for me. Besides that, she is just plain nice and an awful lot of fun!

Teresa always helped when I needed a place to change and do my make-up, and she helped keep me out of trouble when I needed company during my nights out on the town.

Teresa has a real knack for finding unbelievable bargains, an invaluable trait to learn for someone like me who lives on a tight student budget! I'm sure she knows every consignment store in Calgary.

On top of everything else, Teresa she is a pretty good pool player, as well as being a fun, beautiful, and talented artist.

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