It's way too gay!

Constantly under construction.....get used to it!

These pictures were taken in January 2001

Me and Amanda just chillin out!

Just sitting around "Chillin'" with my buddy, Amanda! Approximately from 04/97

Hey there everyone! In case you don't actually know me, my name is Erin Olson, and I'm from Duluth, MN. I'm basically just chilling out here and having fun. Take a look through my webpage, feel free to let me know what you think.

People always want to know stuff like, what's your type? What are you looking for? Well, take a look at my statistics page and that might answer some questions.

Links to other sites on the Web

I'm a HUGE Xena Fan, and this is a great fansite
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The Domino's pizza website-could you live without pizza?

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