Marina's Sausage Links!

The Sausage Link's Page O'Stuff

Currently, there aren't many links -
Therefore all of them will be listed under
this page. However, as more come, They will
be sub-catagorized through this page.

On with the Links!


If you like to to laugh over other peoples stupidity...this is the site for you!!


Play Bingo, "21", Poker and Sports and Music games for real Dinero! That means CASH!

Only for the sick & twisted!
This is a really FREAKY place with atopsy photos and other very strange pics.

Not for kids!!
Check this link to get the truth about Bert's evil ways.{Yes, Ernie's buddy} He is sick!

Lonely? Great place to find a friend, lover or ??? They have catagories for every taste, in every state and country. It's free!

Trivia lovers!!
Great online trivia! Play to win prizes! Games run from Sat. thru Fri. Play every day.

For Star watchers!
Want to know when the next lunar eclipse is going to be?? Check out the Lunar Eclipse computer. It calculates all the info for YOUR time zone!!

Monty Python fans!!
This first link has songs lyrics, and tons of movie scripts for all Pythonites!

Monty Python fans!!
This site has all the sounds of the python troop from mpgs and midis to sound bytes from the scrips! VERY COOL!!

Monty Python Links galore!!
Still want more MP?? This lists by catagory hundreds of Monty Python sites.

See a Live TV show!!
This is the place to get tickets to see the taping of your favorite tv shows. This is a lot of Fun! Best thing, Tickets are FREE!

HBO "The Soprano's!!
The BEST TV show (in my opinion) on the air this year!! This is a great show and Fans should check this out.(New season begins Jan 16th, 2000)

Extreme Radicals and Art Liberals!
This site is officially listed as: "How to deface outdoor ads on a limited budget" Very interesting! Check it out!

The REAL TacoBell Dog Site!
Check this link to get the truth about the TacoBell Dogs! Sounds, pics, and even entire commercials you can watch.

I think this is self explanatory!

Raum's Stuff
Check this page out for lots of various wierd and oddball stuff. Page includes sounds, links, lies, quotes and drummer jokes.

A Total of linkers have visited this site since April 25, 1999.