"A hateful act is the transference to others of the degradation we bear ourselves. ....Simone Weil"

Discrimination, hatred, bigotry are not things we like to think about. And in particular when we are on the Net and we think we may be safe. Well truth is, we're not. Some of have run into blatant homophobia, for others it has been subtle and yet still poisonous. No matter how you slice, dice, cut, draw and quarter it, it's the same old stuff we face day to day.

Well as an act of purpose and pride I've created the "Badge of Honor" award. It is given to those who have encountered discrimination, hate and bigotry on their cyber doorstep. It's a way of saying "Yeah, we know you're here, and we are learning who you are. But we will not allow you to force us into hiding. We will not allow you to stuff us back into our closets. We will stand proud and wear your disgust as a badge of honor because it means that we are no longer invisible and we will not let you bully us."

If you have encountered discrimination, hate and/or bigotry on the Net, or you know someone who has, fill out the form below. I will then contact the person send them the graphic shown above so they can wear their cyber badge of honor.

Let's stand up brothers and sisters and be proud of who we are. Let's make what is suppose to be a slam into a positive statement. Let's be visible!

With great love and pride,

your sister,


You can e-mail me by clicking here :)





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