First Name: Hilary
Last Name: I ain't tellin'
Age: 29
Where I Live: southeastern Pennsylvania
Nicknames: Amoreena, LadyElton, Hil, Hilly
Hobbies: music, computers, art (computer-generated, sketching/drawing), photography
Other things about me: I'm queer (les/bi - still figuring this stuff out); I'm an ecclectic solitary witch; I have ADHD (attention deficeit hyperactivity disorder), depression, anxiety, agoraphobia with panic attacks, social anxiety.
Dislikes: bigots, people who push their beliefs on you (televangelists especially), war, hate, violence, telemarketers (especially when they call during dinner or in the morning), tailgaters (drivers, not pre-game/concert parking lot parties), drivers on cell phones
*NOTE: There is nothing wrong with being gay. It's a natural way of being. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. If you're suffering, get help. Getting help saved my life. Also, everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Religious freedom is what the United States was founded for. Diversity - racial, religious, sexual, national, ethnic - is what makes this country great.
Last updated: March 1, 2003